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Jeyuk Tacos

There are 2 foods that Korean men love. They are pork-cutlet & jeyuk-bokkeum. As Korean guy, I can't live without these food, especially jeyuk bokkeum. So I mixed jeyuk with tacos and it was amazing :D


Jeyuk Tacos

T = Tablespoon

t = teaspoon


Tortillas(12 pieces)

  • 1 cup maseca corn flour (150g)

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour (!20g)

  • 1/2t salt

  • 2T lard (optional, it give rich flavor )

  • 200ml hot water (6~70'c, Luke water also okay)

Jeyuk Bokkeum (2~3 serving)

  • 500g sliced pork meat (I used pork shoulder)

  • 1 chopped onion

  • 3T gochugaru

  • 2T sugar

  • pepper

  • salt

  • onion powder (optional)

  • garlic powder (replaceable with minced garlic <- I recommend)

  • mozzarella cheese

Salsa Mexicana (pico de gallo)

  • 1 tomato

  • 1/2 onion

  • cilantro

  • lime

  • salt

  • pepper


How to make


  1. Mix 1 cup corn flour (150g), 1 cup all-purpose flour (120g), 1/2t salt, 2T melted lard, 200ml hot water to make 1 dough

  2. Divide dough into 12 equal parts (40g) and make it round shape

  3. Cover with a wet towel and rest for 20 minutes

  4. Make a circle with a tortilla press or a rolling pin

  5. Cook on a non-greased pan over medium heat for 1 minute each

Salsa Mexicana

  1. Dice 1 tomato, 1/2 onion

  2. Put tomato, onion, cilantro into a bowl and squeeze 1/2 of lime

  3. Add salt and pepper depending on your taste

Jeyuk Tacos

  1. Chop 1 onion

  2. Put pork meat, onion into a pan and turn on high heat

  3. Put 3T gochugaru, 2T sugar, 1t salt, 1T onion powder, 1T garlic powder, pepper, 100ml water

  4. Put mozzarella cheese and cook for 5~7 min in a pan

  5. Make tacos : Tortillas -> jeyuk -> salsa mexicana -> lime juice


Score : 10/10

I don't know why but I love tacos.

It's a recipe I want to make for my parents.

Tortillas is perfect.

Salsa mexicana is so fresh.

Jeyuk is perfect to me.

And the Lime make it perfect.

조회수 36,986회댓글 4개

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